Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Recent Updates

I haven't been as diligent about posting these last two weeks and that's mostly because I've been busy either actually studying or goofing off. (I'd like to think mostly studying though...)

So here's a brief summary of what's been happening the last two weeks

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

An Open Mind

I'm taking an Eastern Religions class this year because I've recently developed an interest in religion and philosophy. I like to learn about the world and cultures because it helps me keep an open mind and try to relate to others better.

Personally, I'm not a religious person at all but I respect those who are and find religious faith to be a fascinating subject though I don't like to practice it myself. I was raised by parents who taught me that everyone is different and to never judge people based on their differences, whether good or bad.

That being said, last week's Religions class was particularly interesting and eye opening for me.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

College Life: Week 1

I finally started my classes this past week! I was really excited (as my previous post stated) and still am excited about all my classes. It's been a great transition into college and I'm super pumped for the year... but we'll see how long this enthusiasm lasts....